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Forum Posts

Apr 28, 2022
In General Chat
We'd love to get to know you better. Take a moment to say hi to the community in the comments.
Apr 28, 2022
In General Chat
♫ Da Rules ♪ Rule No. 1: Golden Ethics. Treat others as you would like others to treat you. Do not treat others in ways you would not like to be treated. Positivity and empathy are the names of the game. So long as you show others compassion, you will fit in well here. ♪ Rule No. 2: On Topic. This forum exists for the discussion of the web serial, False Prophecy, and to help a community of readers meet and talk about the work. Read each category description before you post to ensure you remain within the established boundaries. ♪ Rule No. 3: Age Appropriate. Despite False Prophecy's occasional adult perspectives and often mature themes, it is accessible for teens, therefore the forum must be treated the same. Safe For Work content only. ♪ Rule No. 4: Confine Spoilers. Spoilers should not be spoken outside of their respective threads / appropriately titled posts. Mistakes happen, but the last thing any of us want to do is ruin the experience of others. Keep this in mind in every discussion. ♪ Rule No. 5: Listen to Seers. Seers are this server's moderators. You will recognize them by their unique colors. It is their job to ensure the rules are not broken and issue warnings/mutes/bans to any offenders. Failure to abide by any of these rules will be met with a swift intervention and may include temporary or permanent bans for repeat offenders and particularly egregious offenses.


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